
Port Augusta West CSC Site Philosophy…

At Port Augusta West Children’s Services Centre we believe that children develop skills, confidence and social interactions through a play/nature-based learning program. Children’s voice is embedded throughout our practices and our program. We believe that all children have the right to build and maintain respectful, trusting relationships in a safe and secure environment. We aim to provide an environment which supports

  • Confidence
  • Persistence
  • Resilience
  • Organisation
  • Getting Along
At Port Augusta West CSC we believe that all children are competent learners, where they take risks, make mistakes and are free to explore and discover. We empower children to take charge of their learning, to investigate, trial, reflect and make choices. Each child is valued as a unique individual, bringing their own interests, ideas and understandings. Through actively encouraging curiosity, wondering, engagement and discovery in their natural environment. Our aim is to make all families welcome, where diverse social and cultural backgrounds are recognised and respected.

Eligible Preschool Program

If your child turns 4 before 1 May, they can start preschool on the first day of term 1 of that year. If your child turns 4 on or after 1 May, they can start preschool on the first day of term 1 the following year. Children are entitled to access 4 terms of preschool in the year before they start school. If possible, submit a preschool enrolment registration form at your local and/or preferred preschool(s) by 30 June in the year before your child is due to start. You can, however, register your interest at any time during the year. Forms can be downloaded from the link above, or collected from your nearest preschool. More information about children who may be eligible to start preschool throughout the year (eg children transferring from an interstate preschool) is available from the preschool enrolment policy. When making a decision about the best time for your child to attend preschool, it is also important to consider when it may be the best for your child to start school. Similar to preschool, government schools have a single intake date – visit enrolling in primary school for more information. If your child’s birthday falls before 1 May in the calendar year, you have a choice about whether to enrol your child in school at the beginning of the year they turn 5 or the next year (when they turn 6). Your child must be at school by their sixth birthday, which is the compulsory school starting age. If you are uncertain about the best time for your child to attend preschool, or feel your child may benefit from starting preschool later, talk to your local preschool director or school principal about your preschool and school enrolment options. There are many reasons why a family chooses a preschool. Every effort will be made to place your child in the preschool of your choice, but sometimes this is not possible. All preschools give priority consideration to children living within the local catchment area. It is only in exceptional circumstances where the demand for a preschool from families living in the preschool’s catchment area exceeds the number of places available that a child may not be offered a place in their local preschool. If this is the case, the preschool director or school principal will contact you to discuss possible alternative options, and every effort will be made to offer you a place in your second choice of preschool. Your child can attend another preschool, if that preschool is not under enrolment pressure and has places available to accommodate the request. If your preferred preschool is not your local preschool, indicate at least 2 preferred preschool options on the preschool enrolment registration form, in case your preferred preschool is full. There is a space on the enrolment registration form to write the reasons why you are seeking a place at your preferred preschool. To help your planning, preschool directors or school principals may be able to give you an idea of likely enrolment numbers and the impact on places available. You will be notified before the end of September (towards the end of school term 3) if a place can be offered at your preferred preschool, if this is not your local preschool.

Meet Our Team

Lakyta Kennet


Leonie Davis

Early Childhood Worker

Liz Murphy


Yuri Kaizaki

Early Childhood Worker


Contact us today to ask us how to enrol your child or to organise a site visit