Documented Learning

Documented Learning

Throughout your child’s year at preschool, staff will document your child’s
learning both formally and informally. We believe it is important for children,
staff and families to reflect revisit and value children’s learning journey. We
achieve documentation through photography, video recording, children’s
symbolic representation of ideas (painting, writing, drawings), learning stories,
learning displays and portfolio folders. A Statement of Learning Report
is written at the end of a child’s preschool year.

Storypark Records

Your child has an online portfolio folder, this is a way of recording your child’s
learning journey during their time at kindy. Staff share photos, learning stories
and selected pieces of work which demonstrates your child’s progress in relation
to the outcomes outlined in The Early Years Framework. This information is
protected and only educators and yourself will have access. Please ask a staff
member to assist you in accessing this information.

Want some More Information

Contact us today to ask us how to enrol your child or to organise a site visit!